



Teleworking in times of COVID-19:
The role of Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors in workers’ work-family management, exhaustion and work engagement

Maria José Chambel, Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Cleide Moretto, & Sílvia Lopes

Based on the Conservation of Resources theory, this research investigates the association between work-family relationships and employees’ well-being in teleworking situations, and explores the role of Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors (FSSB) as an important resource to help employees balance the exchange between work and life domains and improve well-being while teleworking. The current study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, when most organizations opted for telework and employees found themselves involuntarily working from home. We examined the intensity of remote work as a boundary condition to determine when FSSB can be a resource for employees in telework. Our research combines two studies: a cross-sectional study with 318 workers from a bank that implemented telework over seven months; and a two-wave study with 290 participants from another bank – time 1 was prior to lockdown and time 2 was ten months later. Moderated mediation hypotheses were tested using structural equation modelling and the PROCESS macro for SPSS. Results from both studies show that FSSB is related to positive outcomes for work-family relationship and also for well-being. However, many of these associations are conditional upon the levels of intensity of telework. Implications for HRM theory and practice are discussed.

Chambel, M. J., Castanheira, F., & Santos, A. (2022). Teleworking in times of COVID-19: The role of Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors in workers’ work-family management, exhaustion and work engagement. International Journal of Human Resources Management. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2022.2063064

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Positive psychology in context of peacekeeping militaries: A mediation model of work-family enrichment

Maria José Chambel, Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Cleide Moretto, & Sílvia Lopes

Based on the work-family enrichment theory, this study analyzes the contribution of work-family and family-work enrichment to explain the military’s well-being during a peacekeeping mission. The data used were collected in a sample of 306 Brazilian soldiers, who were married and/or had children, during the phase named “employment of troops” (i.e., when peacekeepers had been in the Haitian territory and, as a result, away from their families, for between three to five months). Data analysis was performed using the Structural Equations Model. It was observed that the military’s perception of their spouses’ support for their participation during the mission had a positive relationship with both family-to-work enrichment and work-to-family enrichment, and the work-to-family enrichment mediated the relationship between the perception of the spouses’ support and the military’s health perception and general satisfaction with life. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed and limitations and suggestions for future research were presented.

Silveira-Rodrigues, C., Chambel, M.J., & Carvalho, V.S. (2021). Positive psychology in context of peacekeeping militaries: A mediation model of work-family enrichment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 429. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18020429.

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Please, do not interrupt me:
Work–Family balance and segmentation behavior as mediators of boundary violations and teleworkers’ burnout and flourishing

Maria José Chambel, Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Cleide Moretto, & Sílvia Lopes

The lockdown, in the COVID-19 pandemic, is considered an external crisis that evokes
innumerous changes in individuals lives. One of the changes is the work and family dynamics. Based on boundary theory we examine the mediated role of work and family balance and boundary segmentation behavior in the relationship between boundary violations and teleworkers’ stress and well-being. However, because women and men live their work and family differently, gender may condition the way teleworkers lead with boundary violations and boundary segmentation. Hypotheses were tested through moderated mediation modeling using data collected of 456 teleworkers during lockdown. In line with our expectations, teleworkers who have suffered most boundary violations were those with least boundary segmentation behaviors and with least work-family balance, which in turn was related to higher burnout and lower flourishing. Furthermore, gender was found to moderate the relationship between boundary violations from work-to-family and segmentation behavior in the same direction and this relationship was stronger for females than for males. We discuss implications for future research and for managing teleworkers, creating sustainability, both during a crisis and stable days.

Carvalho, V.S., Santos, A., Ribeiro, M.T., & Chambel, M.J. (2021). Please, do not interrupt me: Work–Family balance and segmentation behavior as mediators of boundary violations and teleworkers’ burnout and flourishing. Sustainability, 13(13), 7339. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13137339

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Is it OK to be connected outside the office?
The well-being at work and mediation role of work and family

Maria José Chambel, Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Cleide Moretto, & Sílvia Lopes

To analyze the relationship between technology-assisted supplemental work (TASW) and wellbeing in the workplace – burnout and engagement. Furthermore, this study aims to test the relationship between TASW and burnout, mediated by work-to-family conflict (WFC) and the relationship between TASW and engagement mediated by work-to-family enrichment (WFE).
The data was collected from a service company operating in Portugal. A total of 338 responses from a services company in Portugal were analyzed. Two statistical programs were used for the data analysis: IBM statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS 25.0) and SPSS analysis of moment structures (AMOS 25.0).
The results highlight the positive relationship between TASW and engagement and the relationship between TASWand burnout, which only exists whenWFC is present. Moreover, the relationship between TASWand engagement is stronger through WFE.
Using the conservation of resources theory as a framework, the results contribute to the literature by shedding further light upon the positive effects of TASW on employees’ well-being and the work and family relationship.

Carvalho, V.S., Correia, I., & Chambel, M.J. (2021). Is it OK to be connected outside the office? The well-being at work and mediation role of work and family. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOA-01-2021-2577

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Influence of the Work-Family Relationship
on Perceived Health 5-Years Later:
The Moderating Role of Job Insecurity

Maria José Chambel, Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Cleide Moretto, & Sílvia Lopes

Previous studies on the work-family relationship have analyzed the influence of work-family conflict and work-family enrichment on an individuals’ lives, namely on their well-being and health. Besides, attempts have been made to analyze the influence of other aspects of the labor context on this relationship, such as job insecurity. However, few have analyzed this relationship and interaction from a longitudinal perspective. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to analyze the moderating role of job insecurity in the work-family relationship and the perceived health of 373 workers of a Portuguese bank, across time. The results showed a negative influence of work-family conflict on perceived health 5 years after. Also, job insecurity was found to offset the relationship between work-family enrichment and perceived health, acting as a buffer. This research allows for a better understanding of how job insecurity, a characteristic of modern-day employment, can impact workers' quality of life. This paper also refers to some practical implications, in addition to the limitations of the study, and presents suggestions for future research in this context.

Bandeira, R., Chambel, M.J. & Carvalho, V.S. Influence of the Work-Family Relationship on Perceived Health 5-Years Later: The Moderating Role of Job Insecurity. Soc Indic Res (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-020-02509-2

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Supervisor support, segment boundaries
and wellbeing in university teachers
during Covid-19 lockdown.

Maria José Chambel, Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Cleide Moretto, & Sílvia Lopes

Homeworking – the method that enables employees to perform tasks while working from remote locations, using information and communication technologies to interact with others within and outside the workplace (Gajendran, Harrison, & Delaney-Klinger, 2015, p. 4) – has been referred to in the literature as a practice that enables organizations to support their employees in their effort to balance their professional and family (personal) lives (Kossek, Lewis, & Hammer, 2010). However, not all studies are unanimous as far as the effects of this practice on workers’ ability to manage these two areas of their lives are concerned, with some reporting advantages while others refer to disadvantages.

Chambel, M.J., Carvalho, V. S., Moretto, C. & Lopes, S. (2020). Supervisor support, segment boundaries and wellbeing in university teachers during Covid-19 lockdown. Work-Life Balance Bulletin: A DOP Publication, 4(2), 23-27.


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"As dinâmicas da fronteira entre o trabalho e família em empregos não tradicionais” é um projecto financiado pela FCT — PTDC/PSI-GER/32367/2017