
Encontros - Congressos

Encontros - Congressos


The adoption of telework in post-COVID times in Portugal: A qualitative study.

Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Maria José Chambel, Alda Santos, Joana Trovão & Joana Galego

The adoption of telework in post-COVID times in Portugal: A qualitative study.

Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Maria José Chambel, Alda Santos, Joana Trovão & Joana Galego

The adoption of telework in post-COVID times in Portugal: A qualitative study.

Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Maria José Chambel, Alda Santos, Joana Trovão & Joana Galego

The adoption of telework in post-COVID times in Portugal: A qualitative study.

Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Maria José Chambel, Alda Santos, Joana Trovão & Joana Galego

The adoption of telework in post-COVID times in Portugal: A qualitative study.

Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Maria José Chambel, Alda Santos, Joana Trovão & Joana Galego


Because of the COVID-19 pandemic organizations faced many challenges. Telework was considered one of these challenges and despite resistance in their use in the 2020 lockdown, many organizations have telework as part of their measures nowadays. Previous 2020 research suggests a great deal of variation associated with the effectiveness of this practice to work and family harmony. Hence, this study aims to better understand how human resources directors configure the advantages and disadvantages, the challenges, resistances, and future configuration of this measure in a post-covid 19 period. Based on interviews with 40Human Resources Directors from companies in Portugal, we verified that in most of them there was a very positive experience with this type of work during the pandemic. In all of them, the increase of autonomy and the easiness of conciliation between work and family were pointed out, as conditions associated with this type of work that based the desire and motivation of the workers for it to be kept in the company. We also understand that in several of them there was some resistance to this adoption, particularly on the part of the heads, as they considered it difficult both the contact between peers and between the headsubordinates, as well as the control over the performance of the work. We observed that some of the actions were being developed to overcome
these resistances and make this type of work a new reality in the company.
Overall, this study aims to clarify the conditions under which telecommuting occurs in a post-covid period.

@Work + Family Researchers Network (New York, USA, June 23-25, 2021)


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Teletrabalho em tempos de COVID-19: O papel dos Comportamentos do Supervisor de Apoio à Família na gestão das fronteiras trabalho-família e do bem-estar dos trabalhadores

Maria José Chambel, Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Alda Santos, Filipa Castanheira & Mª Teresa Ribeiro


COVID 19. Trabalhar em casa, elimina a fronteira física entre o local de trabalho e o local da vida privada (familiar), dificultando o estabelecimento de fronteiras psicológico e temporais, o que pode resultar em menor equilíbrio entre estes domínios. Com base na teoria da Conservação de Recursos, este projeto explora o papel dos Comportamentos do Supervisor de Apoio à Família (FSSB) como um recurso que ajuda os teletrabalhadores a equilibrar a relação entre os domínios do trabalho e da vida pessoal (familiar) e a melhorar o bem-estar durante o teletrabalho. O projeto incluiu três estudos realizados durante a pandemia de COVID-19: o primeiro, com uma amostra de 921 professores universitários durante o 1º confinamento; segundo, um estudo longitudinal com 290 trabalhadores de um banco – o tempo 1 foi anterior ao confinamento e o tempo 2 foi dez meses depois; o terceiro, um estudo diário, com 72 trabalhadores de diferentes empresas que participaram durante 7 dias. Em todos os estudos foi possível observar que o FSSB estava relacionado com resultados positivos quer para a gestão da relação trabalho-família quer para o bem-estar dos teletrabalhadores. No entanto, muitas dessas associações estavam condicionadas pelos níveis de intensidade do teletrabalho. Implicações para a teoria e prática de GRH são discutidas.

@ Encontro Ciência FCT (Lisbon, Portugal, May 16-18, 2022)


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Family Supportive Supervisor Behavior Perceptions and Work-family Boundary. Control on Lockdown Teleworkers: Portugal and Pakistan comparison.

Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Maria José Chambel, M. Leite-Santos & H. Iman


The imposition of teleworking due to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought the need for individuals to readjust work-non-work boundaries. In this crisis scenario, the needs that individuals felt to manage these borders may have been influenced by contextual factors such as the presence of specific behaviors of leadership support for the work-family-relationship (FSSB) and macro-structural factors such as the country in which teleworkers are inserted. This study tests the mediating effect of border control on the relationship between FSSB and life satisfaction and analyzes the moderating effect of the country (Pakistan vs. Portugal) on the relationship between FSSB and border control. With a sample of 108 Portuguese and 118 Pakistanis, the results were analyzed using the Process tool. We found that the FSSB is important for teleworkers to control borders and for life satisfaction and that this control also contributes to greater life satisfaction. We found differences in the two countries: border control mediates the relationship between the FSSB and life satisfaction for Pakistani teleworkers and these workers are more dependent on the FSSB to exercise border control than Portuguese teleworkers. This study underlines the importance of considering contextual factors for the implementation of telework. Practical implications are discussed.

@ InPact (Funchal, Portugal, April 22-24, 2022) 


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O Regresso Pós-COVID: a adoção do teletrabalho

Maria José Chambel, Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Joana Galego, Joana Trovão, & Alda Santos


Este encontro realizou-se na Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa, tendo incluído apresentações realizadas por Maria José Chambel (“(Re)Inventar o trabalho: A adoção do teletrabalho no pós-COVID”) e por Joana Trovão & Joana Galego (“A adoção do teletrabalho no pós-COVID: Resistências e estratégias em Portugal”). Esta última apresentação incluiu um resumo dos primeiros resultados globais do projeto de recolha de dados junto de mais de 40 empresas relativamente à adopção do teletrabalho no período pós-pandemia, bem como um debate posterior. Foi ainda realizado um debate, no qual participaram sete representantes de empresas de diversas áreas de atividade, que contribuíram para a apresentação de diferentes realidades e pontos de vista quanto ao recurso durante a pandemia e à futura continuação de utilização desta forma de organização do trabalho.

@ O Regresso Pós-COVID: a adoção do teletrabalho (FPUL, Lisbon, Portugal, November 19, 2021) —with live streaming—

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As práticas amigas das famílias e a gestão de fronteiras: o papel explicativo na relação trabalho-família

Daniela Geraldes, Maria José Chambel & Vânia Sofia Carvalho


Face às alterações laborais e demográficas dos últimos anos, as organizações procuraram responder de forma a alterar estruturas e princípios que permitissem um ambiente designado amigo da família. Não obstante, as práticas amigas da família têm apresentado resultados inconsistentes quanto ao seu papel na relação trabalho-família. Adicionalmente, permanece insuficiente uma análise integrativa da relação entre a gestão das fronteiras trabalho-família e estas práticas, a par com a relação trabalho-família. Com o objetivo de explorar as relações supracitadas, foi desenvolvido e testado um modelo de mediação moderada. Adicionalmente, recolhendo dados de 222 colaboradores bancários portugueses, o efeito destas práticas na relação trabalho-família foi avaliado em dois momentos, antes e depois de uma iniciativa dos Recursos Humanos relativa à promoção das práticas amigas da família oferecidas na organização. Foi, de facto, possível compreender que o controlo de fronteiras é uma importante variável explicativa na relação entre as práticas amigas da família e a relação trabalho-família, em ambas as abordagens de conflito e enriquecimento, verificando-se, ainda, que estas práticas potenciam diretamente uma vertente de enriquecimento, para além do efeito das políticas de elevado envolvimento. Mais, os comportamentos de segmentação de fronteiras revelaram-se críticos para a relação entre as práticas amigas da família e o controlo de fronteiras. Consequentemente, as práticas amigas da família demonstraram-se imperativas para potenciar este controlo, especialmente em situações em que os comportamentos de segmentação de fronteiras eram dificilmente aplicáveis. Tendo em conta os resultados supramencionados, este estudo discute implicações para investigações futuras e para os departamentos de Recursos Humanos.

@ ISCSP-ULisboa (Lisbon, Portugal, October 28-29, 2021) [Online]


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Violações das fronteiras e bem-estar no teletrabalho: Papel mediador da recuperação

Madalena Mascarenhas, Vânia Sofia Carvalho & Maria José Chambel


O teletrabalho vivido durante a pandemia da COVID-19 tem sido descrito como uma situação prejudicial para o bem-estar no trabalho. Para tal contribuíram as violações das fronteiras entre a família e o trabalho, muito frequentes no confinamento obrigatório onde os teletrabalhadores partilharam a casa com os outros elementos da família, nomeadamente as crianças. Assim, o primeiro objetivo deste estudo foi verificar em que medida as violações das fronteiras nos dois sentidos (i.e., família-trabalho e trabalho-família) prejudicavam o bem-estar no trabalho e o bem-estar subjetivo dos teletrabalhadores. Para tal usou-se o work engagement como indicador de bem-estar no trabalho e o flourishing como indicador de bem-estar subjetivo. Para compreender as consequências das violações das fronteiras no work engagement e no flourishing, desenvolvemos e testámos um modelo onde a recuperação era o mecanismo explicativo desta relação. Assim, o segundo objetivo foi compreender o papel mediador da recuperação nos efeitos das violações das fronteiras (em ambos os sentidos) no work engagement e no flourishing. Para tal realizou-se um estudo cross-sectional com uma amostra constituída por 921 professores universitários brasileiros em teletrabalho, tendo sido utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: escala de violação das fronteiras (Hunter et al., 2017), adaptação para a língua portuguesa do Recovery Experiences Questionnaire ( Sonnentag & Fritz 2007), versão de 9 itens da Work Engagement Scale (Schaufeli et al., 2006), adaptação portuguesa da escalada de Flourishing (Junça & Caetano, 2013). Os resultados obtidos permitem verificar que a recuperação medeia os efeitos das violações das fronteiras, em ambos os sentidos, no work engagement e no flourishing, e que o engagement tem um efeito positivo no flourishing. Assim, a recuperação, ao ser prejudicada pelas violações, prejudica o work engagement e o flourishing. De acordo com a Teoria da Conservação de Recursos (Hobfoll, 2002), os resultados indicam que a violação das fronteiras implica o consumo de recursos (e.g., energia, tempo, concentração), o que vai impedir a recuperação, sendo o bem-estar dos teletrabalhadores prejudicado por tal. Os principais contributos deste estudo prendem-se então com a relevância da recuperação no bem-estar no trabalho dos teletrabalhadores.

@ ISCSP-ULisboa (Lisboa, Portugal, 28-29 Outubro 2021) [Online]


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Abstract presented

Violações das fronteiras e bem-estar no teletrabalho: Papel mediador da recuperação

Madalena Mascarenhas, Vânia Sofia Carvalho & Maria José Chambel


O teletrabalho vivido durante a pandemia da COVID-19 tem sido descrito como uma situação prejudicial para o bem-estar no trabalho. Para tal contribuíram as violações das fronteiras entre a família e o trabalho, muito frequentes no confinamento obrigatório onde os teletrabalhadores partilharam a casa com os outros elementos da família, nomeadamente as crianças. Assim, o primeiro objetivo deste estudo foi verificar em que medida as violações das fronteiras nos dois sentidos (i.e., família-trabalho e trabalho-família) prejudicavam o bem-estar no trabalho e o bem-estar subjetivo dos teletrabalhadores. Para tal usou-se o work engagement como indicador de bem-estar no trabalho e o flourishing como indicador de bem-estar subjetivo. Para compreender as consequências das violações das fronteiras no work engagement e no flourishing, desenvolvemos e testámos um modelo onde a recuperação era o mecanismo explicativo desta relação. Assim, o segundo objetivo foi compreender o papel mediador da recuperação nos efeitos das violações das fronteiras (em ambos os sentidos) no work engagement e no flourishing. Para tal realizou-se um estudo cross-sectional com uma amostra constituída por 921 professores universitários brasileiros em teletrabalho, tendo sido utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: escala de violação das fronteiras (Hunter et al., 2017), adaptação para a língua portuguesa do Recovery Experiences Questionnaire ( Sonnentag & Fritz 2007), versão de 9 itens da Work Engagement Scale (Schaufeli et al., 2006), adaptação portuguesa da escalada de Flourishing (Junça & Caetano, 2013). Os resultados obtidos permitem verificar que a recuperação medeia os efeitos das violações das fronteiras, em ambos os sentidos, no work engagement e no flourishing, e que o engagement tem um efeito positivo no flourishing. Assim, a recuperação, ao ser prejudicada pelas violações, prejudica o work engagement e o flourishing. De acordo com a Teoria da Conservação de Recursos (Hobfoll, 2002), os resultados indicam que a violação das fronteiras implica o consumo de recursos (e.g., energia, tempo, concentração), o que vai impedir a recuperação, sendo o bem-estar dos teletrabalhadores prejudicado por tal. Os principais contributos deste estudo prendem-se então com a relevância da recuperação no bem-estar no trabalho dos teletrabalhadores.

@ ISCSP-ULisboa (Lisbon, Portugal, October 28-29, 2021) [Online]


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Teleworkers’ flourishing during Covid-19 lockdown: The work-family relationship

Vânia Carvalho, Rita Tropa-Coelho & Maria José Chambel


Although research on work-family relationship have shown the relevance of balance between these two life domains to explain well-being, the analysis of this effect during COVID-19 lockdown has not yet been examined.
In this study based on the work-family boundary theory management, we considered that the segmentation from work-to-family had a positive relationship with workfamily balanced, which in turn had a positive relationship with flourishing.
A sample of 108 teleworkers during the first COVID-19 lockdown (March-April 2020) in Portugal without previous experience with telework answered an on-line questionnaire.
The results analyzed with PROCESS (model 4) allowed us to observe that work-to-family segmentation was related with work-family balance and that this work-family balance was the mechanism that explained the positive relationship between work-to-family segmentation and flourishing.
Telework is a situation that makes it difficult to establish boundaries between work and family. There must be tools that invest in the development of skills of teleworkers to segment work and family, in order to promote a balance between these domains and, consequently promote teleworkers’ well-being.

@ 28th International Symposium on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (Canada, October 25-28, 2021) [Online]


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Working from home: adaptation due to COVID-19 health policies and worker wellbeing

Alda Santos, Vânia Carvalho & Maria José Chambel


Our project aimed to study the impact of telework during the first period of isolation due to COVID 19 (March 2020), exploring: levels of wellbeing indicators among teleworkers; profiles that distinguish healthy teleworkers from workers considered to be at risk; work and personal lives’ management; and, lastly, associations between supervisor support and workers’ wellbeing and work-nonwork balance. Data was obtained with the voluntary participation of 372 teleworkers from four Portuguese services organizations. As for wellbeing indicators, averages of burnout and work engagement indicate the sample globally shows no signs of chronic stress and reports being engaged and feeling motivated by their work. As for a combined indicator of wellbeing, healthy teleworkers (reporting low burnout and high work engagement levels) represented 61.8%, compared to 38.2% workers that report higher average levels of burnout and slightly lower of work engagement. Concerning work-nonwork balance, teleworkers show an average level, which indicates participants consider adequate their equilibrium between work life and personal life, which is also related to their wellbeing. Supervisor support also showed positive relationships with work-nonwork balance, which, in turn, evidenced positive associations with teleworkers’ wellbeing. Our study shows supervisor support as an important element, that evidences positive associations with work-nonwork balance and worker wellbeing. Therefore it is important for organizations to enhance supervisor awareness of their crucial role in supporting their subordinates while teleworking.

@ WORK 2021 (Turku, Finland, October 14-15, 2021) [Online]


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“Lines demarked”: a way to overcome nonstandard work schedules and unpredictable working hours in police officers

Vânia Carvalho, Ana Beatriz Marta & Maria José Chambel

The current study, based on boundary theory and the conservation of resource theory, developed and tested a mediation model that accounts for the work-family conflict in the relationship between work-family boundary segmentation and well-being. A sample of 291 police officers from Portugal was used and the hypotheses were tested by using structural equation modeling methods implemented with Mplus. The results indicated that over and above nonstandard work schedules and unpredictable working hours, the family-work segmentation was related to lower work-to-family conflict and the work-family segmentation as related to lower family-to-work conflict. Moreover, the work-to-family conflict fully mediated the relationship between segmentation and engagement but only partially mediated the relationship between segmentation and burnout. Conversely, the family-to-work conflict fully mediated the relationship between segmentation and burnout but was not related to engagement. Therefore, such results suggest that it is important that these professionals have the opportunity to enact the segmentation strategy to manage the boundary between work and family domains, which will contribute not only to their work-family balance but also to their well-being at work.

@ Work + Family Researchers Network (New York, USA, February 12, 2021)  [Online]


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The homeworking in a lockdown: the challenge of COVID-19 in 4 companies in Portugal

Maria José Chambel, Vânia Sofia Carvalho & Maria Teresa Ribeiro


The homeworking was usually recognized as a family-friendly practice. However, it was also pointed out that it may evoke blurring boundaries difficult for workers not to work beyond their work schedule. The imposition to home working due to COVID-19, may bring these difficulties in managing the work-family boundary may well have been exacerbated: the measure was implemented unexpectedly and rapidly, without any prior preparation on the part of organizations and workers; the measure affected a large number of workers, which meant that there were several members of a household working from home at the same time; with the closure of schools, distance teaching/learning was adopted, and many workers found themselves having to support their children while simultaneously performing their own professional duties. The hypotheses were tested with a quantitative study with a sample of 372 homeworkers from 4 companies in Portugal during the Covid-19 lockdown. The results reveled that work-family balance was a positive relationship with workers’ well-being and this balance mediated the relationship between supervisor support and workers’ well-being. Moreover, supervisor support was an important contextual resource for workers' balance between both domains and their well-being independently of their contextual family situation.

@ Work + Family Researchers Network (New York, USA, February 12, 2021)  [Online]


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Symposium — Work-family boundaries management in temporary workers

Maria José Chambel

Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Maria José Chambel, I. Correia & S. Lopes

Abstract: The work-life balance, particularly as regards the family, has implications not only for the individual and his/her family but also for organizations and society at large. This balance depends on how workers manage boundaries between the both domains, by either fully integrating them (work and family are entirely blended), or segmentation (work and family firmly segregated). Workers’ use of idiosyncratic strategies and practices to segment or integrate the two domains are limited by restrictions imposed by the job and work context. This symposium’s programming accordingly seeks to advance and broaden the work-family literature, by analyzing work-family boundaries’ management in temporary workers that are in line with contemporary career characterizing by contingent forms of work that increased all over the world and brings more job insecurity to workers due to the limited duration of the work contract.
This symposium seeks to heighten our understanding of the contextual factors that may enhance or inhibit how temporary workers attempt to healthily integrate their work and family life. It also seeks to ascertain the impact of the manner in which such integration is managed, on work-family conflicts and their links with worker well-being. Monitoring the evolution of the organizational world to gain an understanding of worsening work contexts, we investigated the assumptions that temporary workers in an insecure employment situation are limited in their ability to manage the boundary between work and family. Hosting speakers from Portugal, Chile and Brazil, this symposium will contribute to the generalization of these assumptions in different contexts.

@ Centennial Congress of Applied Psychology (Cancun, México, December 13-17, 2020)


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Temporary agency workers’ job insecurity and work-family boundaries: A diary study.

Maria José Chambel, Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Filipa Castanheira & Maria Teresa Ribeiro

In: Work-family boundaries management in temporary workers Symposium 


Abstract: Based on work-family boundary theory, the effect of job insecurity perception on workers’ boundary management, and in turn their well-being, was analysed. A quantitative diary study was performed to analyze the effect of perceived job insecurity on within-person fluctuations in boundary management (integration vs. segmentation and boundary control) and related this to workers’ well-being. Participation in the study was voluntary, confidentiality of data was assured, and workers were compensated for their participation (each received € 50), in line with common practices in diary studies. A total of 50 temporary agency workers answered a questionnaire over during 10 consecutive working days, excluding weekends or breaks. Because our day‐level data were nested within persons, we chose a multilevel approach for data analysis. Specifically, we used multilevel path modeling and followed recommendations in specifying a single overall multilevel model, including a within‐person (Level 1) and a between‐person (Level 2) component. Workers who perceived greater job insecurity had greater difficulty in managing their work-family boundary — they showed permeability of family life to work and lack of permeability of work by family, as well as difficulty to control boundaries. Consequently, they reported greater workplace strain (i.e., exhaustion) and less general well-being (i.e., satisfaction with life).

@ Centennial Congress of Applied Psychology (Cancun, México, December 13-17, 2020)


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Supervisory and coworker discrimination in work-family support and temporary workers’ work-family balance and well-being.

Maria José Chambel, Sergio Lopez, Carlos Costa & Alda Santos 

In: Work-family boundaries management in temporary workers Symposium 


Abstract: Despite directives encouraging non-discriminatory work/employment interactions between the temporary agency workers and permanent workers, ‘temps’ are often treated as peripheral workers, subject to an eroding income, poor benefits and on-the-job-training, lack of promotion prospects and exposure to hazardous work conditions. Little is known of how this relates to these workers’ work-family (personal life) relationships, and particularly what work-family support may come from the employer. The question of whether temporary agency workers’ perception of supervisor and coworker discrimination with respect to work-family support contributed to their workplace well-being, as mediated by their work-family balanced. A sample of 360 temporary agency workers from Portugal, Brazil and Chile answered a questionnaire and structural equation models were used to data analyze. The results revealed that the perception of supervisor and coworker discrimination concerning work-family support related negatively with temporary agency workers’ work-family balanced, which in turn related negatively with their burnout and positively with their work engagement. These findings highlight the importance of fighting discrimination and assuring that supervisors and coworkers support temporary workers’ work-family relationship, in an effort to promote their well-being. This observation was confirmed in three different countries.

@ Centennial Congress of Applied Psychology (Cancun, México, December 13-17, 2020)


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Adaptação ao teletrabalho em consequência da COVID-19

Maria José Chambel, Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Alda Santos, Mariana Neto, Filipa Castanheira, Teresa Ribeiro & Carla Crespo


Neste webinar foi realizado um debate sobre a adopção e a adaptação ao teletrabalho pelas organizações, como resposta às medidas de restrição no âmbito da saúde pública devido à COVID-19. Participaram neste debate várias empresas de consultoria em recursos humanos, bem como um público de variadas áreas de atividade. Foram igalmente apresentados resultados de um projeto realizado no âmbito da adaptação ao teletrabalho e bem-estar dos trabalhadores.

@ Adaptação ao teletrabalho em consequência da COVID-19  (Lisbon, Portugal, October 22, 2020) — Webinar —

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Is it OK to be connected outside the office? The impact on well-being at work and the mediated role of the work and family relationship

Vânia Sofia Carvalho, Maria José Chambel, I. Correia & S. Lopes


To analyze the relationship between technology-assisted supplemental work (TASW) and wellbeing in the workplace – burnout and engagement. Furthermore, this study aims to test the relationship between TASW and burnout, mediated by work-to-family conflict (WFC) and the relationship between TASW and engagement mediated by work-to-family enrichment (WFE).
The data was collected from a service company operating in Portugal. A total of 338 responses from a services company in Portugal were analyzed. Two statistical programs were used for the data analysis: IBM statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS 25.0) and SPSS analysis of moment structures (AMOS 25.0).
The results highlight the positive relationship between TASW and engagement and the relationship between TASW and burnout, which only exists when WFC is present. Moreover, the relationship between TASW and engagement is stronger through WFE. Originality/value
Using the conservation of resources theory as a framework, the results contribute to the literature by shedding further light upon the positive effects of TASW on employees’ well-being and the work and family relationship.

@14th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference (Nicosia, Cyprus, September 2-4, 2020) [Online]

Conference book

Temporary agency workers’ work-family boundaries: A diary study

Maria José Chambel, Vânia Sofia Carvalho, & Maria Teresa Ribeiro


Based on work-family boundary theory, the effect of boundary management on work-family balance and in turn their well-being, was analyzed. A quantitative diary design was performed to analyze the effect of within-person fluctuations in boundary management (integration vs. segmentation) and related this to workers’ well-being, mediated by work-family balanced. The moderation by workers’ perception of supervisor and coworker discrimination with respect to work-family support was also analyzed. Participation in the study was voluntary, confidentiality of data was assured, and workers were compensated for their participation (each received € 50), in line with common practices in diary studies. A total of 68 temporary agency workers answered a questionnaire over during 10 consecutive working days, excluding weekends or breaks. Because our day‐level data were nested within persons, we chose a multilevel approach for data analysis. Specifically, we used multilevel path modeling and followed recommendations in specifying a single overall multilevel model, including a within‐person (Level 1) and a between‐person (Level 2) component. Workers who had greater difficulty in managing their work-family boundary — they showed permeability of family life to work and lack of permeability of work by family, reported lower work-family balance and greater workplace strain (i.e., exhaustion) and less general well-being (i.e., satisfaction with life). Moreover, the relationship between boundary management and work-family balanced was stronger when workers perceived that their supervisors discrimen them with respect to work-family support.

@ Work + Family Researchers Network Conference (New York, June 24-27 2020)


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"As dinâmicas da fronteira entre o trabalho e família em empregos não tradicionais” é um projecto financiado pela FCT — PTDC/PSI-GER/32367/2017